SGI Varsity Update 1998 August
SGI Varsity Update 1998 August.iso
Text File
118 lines
<!-- $Id: iso-num.ent 1.3 1995/12/18 02:30:41 glf Exp $-->
<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
"ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN">
<!ENTITY half "½" -- fraction one-half -->
<!ENTITY frac12 "½" -- fraction one-half -->
<!ENTITY frac14 "¼" -- fraction one-quarter -->
<!ENTITY frac34 "¾" -- fraction three-quarters -->
<!ENTITY frac18 "1/8" -- fraction one-eighth -->
<!ENTITY frac38 "3/8" -- fraction three-eighths -->
<!ENTITY frac58 "5/8" -- fraction five-eighths -->
<!ENTITY frac78 "7/8" -- fraction seven-eighths -->
<!ENTITY sup1 "¹" -- superscript one -->
<!ENTITY sup2 "²" -- superscript two -->
<!ENTITY sup3 "³" -- superscript three -->
<!ENTITY plus "+" -- plus sign B:-->
<!ENTITY plusmn SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=177 TeX='\pm ' descr='[plusmn]'" -- /pm B: plus-or-minus sign -->
<!ENTITY lt CDATA "<" -- less-than sign R: -->
<!ENTITY equals "=" -- equals sign R: -->
<!ENTITY gt ">" -- greater-than sign R: -->
<!ENTITY divide SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=184 TeX='\div ' descr='[divide]'" -- /div B: divide sign -->
<!ENTITY times SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=180 TeX='\times ' descr='[times]'" -- /times B: multiply sign -->
<!ENTITY curren "¤" -- general currency sign -->
<!ENTITY pound "£" -- pound sign -->
<!ENTITY dollar "$" -- dollar sign -->
<!ENTITY cent "¢" -- cent sign -->
<!ENTITY yen "¥" -- /yen yen sign -->
<!ENTITY num SDATA "font=* charset='iso8859-1' code=35 TeX='\num ' descr='[num]'" -- number sign -->
<!ENTITY percnt "%" -- percent sign -->
<!ENTITY amp CDATA "&" -- ampersand -->
<!ENTITY ast "*" -- asterisk -->
<!ENTITY commat "@" -- commercial at -->
<!ENTITY lsqb "[" -- /lbrack O: left square bracket -->
<!ENTITY bsol "\" -- /backslash reverse solidus -->
<!ENTITY rsqb "]" -- /rbrack C: right square bracket -->
<!ENTITY lcub "{" -- /lbrace O: left curly bracket -->
<!ENTITY horbar SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[horbar]'" -- horizontal bar -->
<!ENTITY verbar "|" -- /vert vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY rcub "}" -- /rbrace C: right curly bracket -->
<!ENTITY micro "µ" -- micro sign -->
<!ENTITY ohm SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=87 descr='[ohm]'" -- ohm sign -->
<!ENTITY ordm "º" -- ordinal indicator, masculine -->
<!ENTITY ordf "ª" -- ordinal indicator, feminine -->
<!ENTITY sect "§" -- section sign -->
<!ENTITY para "¶" -- pilcrow (paragraph sign) -->
<!ENTITY middot "·" -- /cdotp B: middle dot -->
<!ENTITY larr SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=172 TeX='\leftarrow ' descr='[larr]'" -- /leftarrow /gets A: leftward arrow -->
<!ENTITY rarr SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=174 TeX='\rightarrow ' descr='[rarr]'" -- /rightarrow /to A: rightward arrow -->
<!ENTITY uarr SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=173 descr='[uarr]'" -- /uparrow A: upward arrow -->
<!ENTITY darr SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=175 descr='[darr]'" -- /downarrow A: downward arrow -->
<!ENTITY copy "©" -- copyright sign -->
<!ENTITY reg "®" -- /circledR registered sign -->
<!ENTITY trade SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=228 descr='[trade]'" -- trade mark sign -->
<!ENTITY brvbar "¦" -- broken (vertical) bar -->
<!ENTITY not "¬" -- /neg /lnot not sign -->
<!ENTITY excl "!" -- exclamation mark -->
<!ENTITY iexcl "¡" -- inverted exclamation mark -->
<!ENTITY quot "'" -- quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY apos "'" -- apostrophe -->
<!ENTITY lpar "(" -- O: left parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY rpar ")" -- C: right parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY comma "," -- P: comma -->
<!ENTITY lowbar "_" -- low line -->
<!ENTITY hyphen "-" -- neutral dash, hyphen-or-minus -->
<!ENTITY period "." -- full stop, period -->
<!ENTITY sol "/" -- solidus -->
<!ENTITY colon ":" -- /colon P: -->
<!ENTITY semi ";" -- semicolon P: -->
<!ENTITY quest "?" -- question mark -->
<!ENTITY iquest "¿" -- inverted question mark -->
<!ENTITY laquo "«" -- angle quotation mark, left -->
<!ENTITY raquo "»" -- angle quotation mark, right -->
<!ENTITY lsquo "'" -- single quotation mark, left, BEST ONE CAN DO IN 8859-1 -->
<!ENTITY rsquo "'" -- single quotation mark, right, BEST ONE CAN DO IN 8859-1 -->
<!ENTITY ldquo '"' -- double quotation mark, left, BEST ONE CAN DO IN 8859-1 -->
<!ENTITY rdquo '"' -- double quotation mark, right, BEST ONE CAN DO IN 8859-1 -->
<!ENTITY nbsp SDATA "font=courier charset=iso8859-1 code=160 descr='[nbsp]'" -- no break (required) space -->
<!ENTITY shy "" -- soft hyphen -->
<!ENTITY degree SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=176">
<!ENTITY deg SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=176">
<!-- The following characters could not be defined using commonly available
fonts. Therefore, EBT is using placeholders for these characters. To include
the placeholders in your document, make sure that the marked section below has
the keyword "INCLUDE".
To ignore the placeholders, use the keyword "IGNORE". If you are ignoring this
marked section and your SGML document references any of the entities declared
below, you will get (non-fatal) mkbook errors, and the entity references will
not be replaced.
Finally, you may choose to define the entities below yourself, using a special
font that will be available to readers of your DynaText books. Use the same
SDATA entity declaration model as is used above, substituting the appropriate
names and decimal numbers for font, charset, code, and descr. In that case, you
should INCLUDE the marked section.
See Chapter 7 of Publisher Guide, Volume 1 for more information. -->
<!ENTITY sung CDATA "[sung ]"--music note (sung text sign)-->